Saturday, February 6

Good Morning

Wak'ie Wak'ie Eggs and Bac'ie!
Wake up wake up there is eggs and bacon for breakfast.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to wake up to a plate full of delicious food every morning, without having to spend 20-45 minutes heating up the stove, mixing the ingredients and scraping off the fat to consume it? Not to mention the dishes left over.
I've heard this saying more than a few times, Wake-y Wake-y, Eggs and Bac-y. But with my spelling this version has a new meaning and a similar one. Waki waki eggs n baci...New meaning: Baci means (Italian) kiss. A treasured thought of mine, is to wake up to being kissed by someone who loves me.
Damn Disney if you must, but my thoughts of being awakened this way also stem from more than childhood fantasy. Forget the more than realistic fact that his breath will be morning rich with last nights meal and the evening's drool. I'd still prefer to open my eyes for the FIRST time each day, with him in my field of view.
Even with my love of food, breakfast would be a second thought. And thus the second meaning: similar to the first image of food right in front of you. There would be a feast. Our eyes on each other. This hunger for love diminishes others.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I can see everything (and know where to find it!). Nice work so far!! :)
